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Three ways to make your home more energy efficient with stylish DIY blinds 😎

Updated: Feb 26, 2021

When the winter chill sets in and you’re looking for ways to keep the bills down, energy efficient furnishings are your best friend. And if you just so happen to be in Melbourne like we are, the four-seasons-a-day weather can take its toll on your interior atmosphere – unless you’ve got yourself kitted out with a clever solution, like a blinds system. 😎

Ultimately, you can lose as much up to 20% of your heating or cooling efforts through inefficient fittings over your window frames, so you might find these next few tips a little handy. The right technology can not only look modern, sleek (and more expensive than it really is), but ultimately, gives your cash flow extra wings, too 💸. You get to jazz up the rest of your home, just the way you want it, and take advantage of bonuses on the side.🎉

Check out our top three energy-saving shade systems belowl; we bet you’ll 💖 the look, and feel they bring to your space and wallet. 💰

Block-out the gaps. Reel in the rewards 🏆

Our blockout roller blinds have kept rooms across Australia dark and delightful from the moment they’ve been hitched up. Better sleep, complete privacy, and a night without the newborn waking up are just some of the initial benefits you can enjoy. Yep, you’ll thank us later.

Most home-savvy makers are in the know about this already, but blockers do a lot more than just create pitch blackness in the bedroom (although this is one reason why they’ve made it into our top three boudoir blinds list). Covering the entire window frame without any gaps, they essentially work like a seal to trap air between the indoors (where you want it), and the outdoors (where it’s either super-cold or blazingly hot – a.k.a. Melbourne). As DIY lovers, we’d take a stab in the dark and say that you’re well acquainted with the value of insulation in your interiors, and know exactly what kind of a difference this can make!

Our Matrix shades are ideal for this purpose, giving you a super stylish and functional touch with textured fabrics. For those not in the know, texture isn’t just a pretty face - these fabrics also trap air between their fibres, which is an extra clever way to keep your indoors toasty and temperate, all year long. 🔥

Whichever style takes your fancy , these beauties are one of our top-sellers and come in a wide range of choices that you can DIY to your heart’s desire. 💕

Have you met our smart and stylish PVC shutters?

Stylish? ✔️ Valuable? ✔️ Energy efficient? ✔️. If you haven’t met our PVC shutters yet, these three personality traits alone are a good reason to have a lil’ one-on-one and get to know them better!

Made from the wonder that is PVC, these window coverings are a one and done installation that sets you up for a delightful, energy-saving indoor environment. Harnessing the power of plastic, the closed slats on our quality shutters make it difficult for air to flow in and out of them. Rain or shine, that’s good news for you, though. Neither your heating nor aircon costs will go to waste. In fact, you’ll see a long-term reduction in your power bills over time once you get these assets up – which we’re quite sure you'll appreciate this summer.

Did we also mention that they can help raise the value of your home? 💰

Coming in a range of sleek designs and colours, there’s no compromise on look or quality here. Each and every style in the Shades by You range does it’s part to boost your home’s worth, and make it more comfortable to live in - not to mention more beautiful, too! 😊

We also have clear view options that let you gaze outside to the greenery (or concrete jungle; whatever works for you), without compromising on the indoor ambient you’ve worked so hard to maintain. Clever, isn’t it? 🤓 Nerd

Double up with classy curtains

Already have blinds or shutters to keep you cosy? There’s no harm done in adding an extra layer into the mix.

We’re very familiar with the benefits of adding another element into the mix to get a little more warmth in your space (we’re based in Melbourne, after all). This little addition can save you BIG in the long run, too. A set of blinds or PVC shutters can do an even better job of sealing in your desired temperature with something extra to back them up. Two layers are DEFINITELY better than one in this case, and they'll give you even more room to get creative with your indoor space. 🎨

Luckily for you, we have a range of gorgeous curtains styles on hand, made from premium fabrics that do a great job of keeping your abode on its A-game.👌Paired with any of our shutters or blinds, these looks are so easy to create that you can even do it yourself. 😜

Save your energy, go big on creative expression

Shades by You was formed over 30 years ago with one mission on our mind: to make it as easy and convenient as possible for Aussies to get their hands on quality designer blinds and curtains. Designed locally, our onshore experts handle your Facetimes, emails, and calls with ease, working their magic on your order. From the moment you plug the numbers into our online system, they can be at your door in as little as two weeks, depending on the design you’ve chosen.

From there, it’s time for your DIY skills 💪 to shine. If you’re an old hand at it, you won’t need our installation guide, but it’s always here for the newbies or if you need a refresher!

Feeling stuck anyway? Give us a buzz. The Shades by You team are all expertly trained and well-versed in answering almost anything that comes to mind. Just don’t expect us to answer after 5pm on weekdays - that’s our downtime and our other halves may not be too chuffed. Inside of business hours, though, we’re all yours.


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