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Can roller blinds be fitted to a door?

Updated: Mar 1, 2021

You’re bound to be well-versed in the ways and means over covering windows. Curtains, shutters, roller blinds, vertical blinds, you name it. The possibilities are almost endless when it comes to shutting out the light for a peaceful night's sleep and some privacy. But what about doors? Can roller blinds be fitted to a door, for example?

Natural light is an incredibly important part of any home. It empowers us to live comfortably indoors without feeling like we’re shut up in a cave! But, when it's time for a nap or a much-need sleep in on Saturday morning, that natural light can be a little pesky 🛌🪟 Beautiful French doors and panoramic sliding doors may be great for soaking up the view, but they make naptime a little bit more difficult. Therefore, let’s find out whether roller blinds can be fitted to a door, and how you can achieve the serenity you’re seeking.

What’s the Problem?

Usually, French doors and sliding doors are difficult to cover because they are much bigger than the average window. Store-bought blinds and curtains usually aren’t very big, so if you have wall-to-wall patio doors that frame a panoramic view, you might struggle to find blinds that cover them completely.

Furthermore, some blinds restrict the accessibility of your doors. You might not be able to roll them up entirely or move them completely out the way. Restricted access like this can be dangerous because you might have an accident when trying to move around, or risk damaging your new blinds 😫

The good news is that you can try custom roller blinds as a unique solution to your problem! Roller blinds can be fitted to a door or doors to block out the sunlight when you want to, and let it in when you need it most.

Try Custom Made Blinds

The best news yet: Shades by You will make roller blinds to order. That’s right, we’ll create custom roller blinds to fit your doors. All you have to do is ask! 😏

You don’t have to make do with store-bought options that ruin the style and impact of your gorgeous French doors or sliding doors. Custom made roller blinds are made to your specifications so that your window coverings enhance your interior design rather than detract from it.

DIY Roller Blinds in Three Simple Steps

Not only are our roller blinds custom made, but they’re a DIY window covering solution, too. You can follow our easy installation guide or get in touch with us to help you install your brand new solutions. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s go through how you can get custom made roller blinds in three easy steps:

1. Measure the door

First, you have to measure your door and doorframe. It’s a good idea to let Shades by You know the dimensions of the glass panes, too, so that we know how wide to make your blinds. You should follow this measuring guide to get the right dimensions.

2. Order your blinds

Next up, ordering your custom roller blinds. Head to our website and create your customised order in just a couple of clicks. We’ll ship your roller blinds to you for just $30!

3. Install your window coverings

Once your blinds arrive, you can install them yourself by following our easy installation guide, or you can contact us for help. Head to our website for our contact details.

Alternatives to roller blinds?

If you’re not keen on roller blinds, there are some great alternatives! Curtains are a great window covering solution that is elegant and very effective for blocking out the light when you need a peaceful sleep.

At Shades by You, we create curtains with wave heading, also known as S-Fold heading. Sewed with transparent 80mm tape, our curtains hold the perfect shape every time you open and close them. Better yet, our curtains sit super close to the track or rod which makes for a more aesthetically pleasing solution.

We also increase the fullness of the hem and weight the corners of the curtains to create a luxurious look and feel 👑. Your custom curtains will always, and we mean always, sit perfectly.

What are you waiting for?

Convinced? We thought you might be. Head to our website now to learn more about our custom roller blinds and custom curtains. And remember, you can get in touch with us if you have any questions about our products or services. Someone from our friendly team can help you pick out the perfect window covering solution for your space.

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